Just returned today from nearly a week on the North Carolina coast. There was not much writing time to be had, but plenty of time to think of writing. I think I’ve worked out the last three or four chapters sufficiently. It’s a melancholy end for a melancholy book, though there’s more humor in it than anything I’ve written to date (which is terribly important given the subject matter, I say).

Being at the beach was perfect for the plotting, what with the sea air and the sunsets and all. Last night I stood on the porch and watched a huge thunderstorm over the Atlantic ocean–the largest lightning bolts I’ve ever seen in my life, lighting up the entire sky–while a huge military boat of some sort made slow progress across the horizon, all in the black of night. The ship looked like a marvelous floating city, and the air was charged. Magic. Or as close as we get to it here on this world.

At any rate, progress is being made. Almost there. I am now wondering if I’ll hit my 120K original goal, but seems as not. I think I’m on task to get to 115K max, but we’ll see. This book is full of surprises, and I won’t pretend I have that much control over the whole thing. Today, I wrote around 2K which is not shabby at all considering it’s post-vacation and all that. I will take that as a win on my part.

Now, to sleep.

Indigo & Ink:

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